
Smart Card / RFID SolutionsOperating System for Transport Applications (SCOSTA)

Smart cards have been extensively used for data security and authentication purposes in various Smart Card / RFID Solutionsbased applications. The Smart Card / RFID Solutionschip carries an operating system which implements cryptography and provides secure storage of data for application for interacting with the Smart Card / RFID Solutions.

Eagle Smart OS

Eagle Smart OSis a Smart Card / RFID Solutionsoperating system (OS) fully compliance based on SCOSTA . We have this product certified by National Informatics Centre (NIC)-Government of India. Eagle Smart OS provides the common ground for card vendors and application developers to design and develop Smart Card / RFID Solutionsrelated applications. Eagle Smart OSuses a flexible layered architecture comprising high degree of portability features.

Eagle Smart OS operating system is employed in the following projects:

  • National ID.
  • Health care.
  • Insurance.
  • Driving License.
  • Registration Certificate Book “RC-Book”.
  • Utility Services.
  • Customized solutions.


Eagle SCOSTA CL is a Smart Card / RFID SolutionsOperating System that may be placed into an integrated circuit that provides a contact, a contact-less, or a combination of the two modes of communication. Such an integrated circuit may be embedded in applications that use contact-less operations such as in an e-passport or may be deployed in a contact-less ID application. It may also be used in a contact interface based applications.

Salient Features:

  • Eagle SCOSTA CL is a professional inter-operable Operating System.
  • Compliance to ISO 14443 Type A, ISO 7816 – 4, 8 & 9 and Protocol T = CL.
  • Can be deployed in various Smart Card / RFID Solutionsapplications.
  • Supports multiple applications on a single Smart Card / RFID Solutions.
  • Compliance to ICAO standards for Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTD).
  • Supports three kinds of security status namely Global security status, File-specific security   status   and Command specific security status.
  • Allows Secure messaging and Anti tearing.
  • Guaranteed reliability and robustness.
  • Permits development and integration of new features with less effort.